Two games and tea or coffee for only £9.50. Come and enjoy a morning of fun and activity.
Frequency & Time: Every fourth Monday 10:30 am
Venue: Mansfield Superbowl, Stockwell Gate, Mansfield, NG18 1LG
Contact: Robert Watts or email Groups’ Coordinators
- Robert Watts is the leader of the ten-pin bowling group.
- We meet every 4th Monday at 10.30am at Superbowl, Mansfield.
- We play two games which cost £9.50 and includes a tea or coffee which we have after the first game, and the price also includes shoe hire.
- In addition, there is a £5 annual membership fee.
- Normally we finish about 12.30pm.
- There are 13 members in the group, but we have room for more. All members are welcome we do have lots of fun.