The Sherwood u3a Committee are confirming that for another year we will not be increasing your membership subscriptions for 2025/2026 which will remain at £21 for both full members and postal members. However due to increased printing costs the Committee confirm that to purchase a printed newsletter, the cost will be £1.50 per month, to be paid annually (£18).

  • Renewal forms can be obtained from the Members’ Secretary Terry Dillon.
  • If you are unable to pick up your form you may ask another member to do this on your behalf.  However please note this will apply up to the February 2025 meeting only.
  • If you are posting your forms and subscription fees they should be returned to the Treasurer, Margaret Taylor, 1 Main Bright Walk, Mansfield Woodhouse, NG19 7GL.
  • If you are returning your form and cheque, which should be made payable to Sherwood u3a, they should be handed into Terry Dillon at the monthly meeting.
  • If you are paying by BACS, payment code 30.98.97. Account No. 39742862, you can return your completed form to either Terry or Margaret.
  •  If you are paying by Credit or Debit card at the meeting, please complete your form and hand it in at the Treasurer’s table with your payment.
  • if you are unable to  pay your membership subscription by any of the above methods and can only pay by cash please phone or email the Treasurer for advice.
  • All renewal forms should be returned and payments made by the March meeting i.e. Thursday 13th March 2025 at the latest.
  • If your form is not returned and your subscription not paid and you have not contacted Terry it will be assumed that you no longer wish to continue to be a member of Sherwood u3a.
  • You will also note that you now have a choice of whether to continue as a full member or revert to a Postal Member who are offered all events, outings, groups etc. as a full member but will not be able to attend all Thursday meetings.  This is useful if you are unable to attend future Thursday meetings due to other commitments.
  • It is important to understand that if you have not attended any of the previous Thursday meetings this year as a full member you may be asked to revert to a Postal Member to allow another member to attend.  However you will retain the date you joined and should vacancies occur and you wish to return to a full member you are able to do so.
  • Any vacancies in the full membership will be offered to the postal members in date order.
  • It should be noted that if there are spaces at the Thursday meetings, you may be invited to attend as a Postal Member. You will be informed in the first instance in the Newsletter and by the Members’ Secretary.
  • If full members do not attend many meetings  – consider becoming a Postal Member instead – you can still attend some meetings.

GIFT AID – Please Tick the Box

  • If you are paying Income Tax, please complete the information where a request for Gift Aid is asked for as Sherwood u3a get 20% back for Gift Aid. Every £1 received 20p is returned to Sherwood u3a as Gift Aid which goes towards keeping our annual expenditure down.

Any queries should be directed to the Members’ Secretary, Terry Dillon (Mrs.)



January 2025

SHERWOOD U3a Beacon News for Members
Good news!! We are now beginning to use Beacon email to send messages to members. You may have already
received a message if you are in Afternoon Tap Room Games, Gardening Group 2, or Strolling – where the
Christmas meeting had to be cancelled at short notice.
We will soon be sending emails to all members and hope to send Newsletters too via Beacon email in future. It
is important that we have members’ up-to-date email addresses so please add them to your Membership
Renewal Form, or email them to me, Kate Kiely, at
We appreciate that there are still members who do not use email so we will continue to contact you in the usual
Where Group sessions are being cancelled for whatever reason, we are asking Group Leaders to send emails out
by 8 am on the morning of the event. This is particularly relevant to all the walking groups who meet from 9 am,
so we are asking Members to get into the habit of checking their emails in the morning.
Beacon emails won’t look any different to your usual emails but will have the following statement at the end of
the email:
This email was sent by Beacon on behalf of … (name of Group Leader)
Gradually, over the coming weeks, you will notice that your committee will move away from using personal email
addresses for committee business, and will have new email addresses like the one above
This is simply for administrative reasons and to ensure continuity when a committee member leaves their role.
Their replacement committee member will simply inherit the email address.



Group Leaders’ Meetings

This is to let you know that the next Group Leaders’ meeting is a little earlier in the year than usual.  It will be held at Turner Hall Lounge on Wednesday 5 March at 10 am, and we will be sending out an agenda nearer to the time.

Secondly, this is just to remind you that if you intend to cancel any dates relating to your usual  pre-booked venues, for whatever reason, it would be helpful if you will inform Diane Storey as soon as possible so that she does not pre-pay them.  Thank you for your help with this.

Lastly, for those who have not already managed to attend the Beacon training for Group Leaders watch out for new dates being sent out within the next day or so.

The next Group Leaders’ Meeting is on Wednesday 22nd October.

With best regards,

Kate Kiely and Sue Davison, Group Coordinators

