So how do you become a member?

Visitors are welcome and can attend up to two monthly meetings which are held on the second Thursday of each month at Turner Hall, Mansfield Woodhouse from 9.45 to 12.00. After this you should have decided whether you wish to become a member.

Due to the capacity of Turner Hall we can only offer Postal Membership. Postal members cannot regularly attend the monthly meetings, but we do have special meetings two or three times a year just for Postal Members so that they can meet committee members and group leaders and get a better idea of what is available to them. When a vacancy occurs for full membership you will be contacted and offered this place.

Postal Members can join groups, go on trips and holidays and come to all social events. They also get a monthly newsletter which gives all up to date information of events and contacts.

Yearly subscription costs £21 and goes from April to March. You will be given a membership card which also enables you to join groups and activities in other local u3as.

Currently membership is the same cost for full and postal membership in order to cover the cost of the additional postage required for the latter group and to make the transition from postal membership to full membership easier. £4 of the subscription is paid to the Third Age Trust which gives us insurance cover for all our activities so you are fully protected. The other £17 goes to Sherwood U3A to pay for the hire of meeting premises, refreshments, speakers, newsletter publication and variety of functions eg coffee mornings and special events.

It’s well worth it, so come and find out about us and see if you want to join —- bet you will!

Join Us

To find out more about joining please complete the form below and we will be in touch.